Research Report: Modernization Trends within Benefits Account Administration
In a partnership with Datos Insights, Elevate surveyed 150 HR and employee benefits leaders and personnel in various organization sizes and industries.
The research reveals how HR decisionmakers are currently using AI, their benefits account satisfaction and expectations, modernization trends, and ways that account administrators can advance technology offerings to meet benefit leaders' expectations.
Examples of key findings included in the research:
- 54% of organizations are either already using AI or plan to implement it within the next 18-24 months
- 85% of companies either currently use or plan to implement HIPAA-compliant AI features in their benefits account solutions
- While 43% of respondents expect vendors to include AI capabilities, 49% see the benefits but remain cautious
Explore the study to see respondents’ top issues, current AI trends, and what future AI possibilities exist for your operation.

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